As a stay at home mom I am often asked, "What do you do all day?" This question never ceases to amaze me. I thought I would let you in on one of the many things I do. I play with my son. First of all you want to make sure you stay in your pajamas all day. This makes play time way more fun. Also, because it is cold and rainy, have big blankets to wrap up in. (this also makes for a great game of monster) You will also need to have a child that is at the moment addicted to rubber ducks. Blocks, lots and lots of blocks. Having other building material that you have found at goodwill will also work. Lincoln logs are fantastic too!
You will them make a house and a yard and many other creative things.
Such as a pond with these linky block things. That is the teenage duck with the baby girl ducks taking a bath in the pond. Boys and girls do not take baths together so the boy ducks get to do other fun things.
The twin Pablo ducks are taking a break from playing on the teeter totter and slide. They are sitting at the table.
The purple mommy duck and yellow daddy duck are working in the garden. I think Warren planted bananas, broccoli, rutabagas, edemamas, blueberries, apples and lemons. Very tasty.
These are the pirate Phoebe, Kimball and Warren ducks. (a gift from Bella!) There job is to guard the house and not let any bad guys in. That is how you make a duckville. Then after you have spent hours playing you need to take photos of you cutie.
He is so stinkin' cute!
He never fails to amaze me on how creative he is.
Can I tell you how much I love my job? I don't think I would give this up for all the money of the world!