Colonial dress with bonnet, shawl, and apron (this one is my favorite at the moment)
Dorothy (in honor of her being Dorothy for Halloween. The ruby red slippers are on back order)
A pair of pajamas(Phoebe has a dress made of the same polka dots and the pocket really works!)
Friday, January 2, 2009
What girl doesn't love dolls? I know I do! I don't think I will ever grow out of dolls. For Christmas I thought I would hand make some dolls for my nieces (we had their names for Christmas) They were so fun to make! I like how I could see them come "alive" I had a pattern for the bodies but made up the rest. I put hair on the doll for the older niece and no hair on the doll for the baby niece. Kimball wants me to make him super hero one. I think it would be a blast to turn one of these dolls into batman and spider man. Hmmm, I will have to see....
Another thing I have been working on is making doll clothes for Phoebe's American Girl Doll. I really don't know who is enjoying the doll more, me or her? I am addicted to making these outfits. I have a bunch of patterns and I love to create new outfits. Phoebe is really into the colonial dresses, so I just finished the first period dress. I had to stop sewing while I was waiting for my glasses, the first day I got them, Phoebe asked if I was going to start sewing again. I guess I am pretty popular! Or at least loved!! So here is what I have been working on.

Sunday outfit ( I made this one after seeing one of my young women at church wearing something similar to this. You can't really see the purple flowers that are embroidered on the bottom of the skirt. The shirt really is a wrap shirt.)
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Wow, Sariah. Those are beautiful. What a lucky little girl you have that she can play dress up with her doll with endless possibilities! You *do* realize that people will pay money for that kind of stuff on ebay, right?
OhmygoshSariah !! Those outfits are so fantastic, they look way better than store bought clothes. I love the new colonial one the most. You are so talented and you sure didn't get it from me. The doll kinda freaks me out too, she looks like she's real with real clothes on and she's fixin' to open her mouth and start talkin' to me. Keep up the great sewing work, you are amazing. I know that all your kids will learn to sew, if they want to, cause you will teach them. Thank you. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Is there anything you can't do? I remember just 6 months ago say you couldn't sew using a pattern and now look at you. You are making your own patterns. Where do you find time? You are a mother of 3 wild and crazy kids. I want to be like you. I love you and miss you.
Your so talented. Those are beautiful clothes, and the dolls are adorable!
You are amazing Sariah!! You have such talent. One day, when the boys are no longer attached to me at the hip, I will have time to start sewing again.
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