1. Never trust a naked baby
2. Don’t walk of thin ice, it scares your parents
3. Mom usually is right, listen to her
4. You really do marry your best friend
5. You will get laughed at if you go to the ER with a sewing machine needle in your finger
6. Having kids is worth all the sacrifices
7. Get as much education as you can
8. When the doctor tells you to take it easy, you really should
9. Reading the instruction is always a good idea
10. A smile really can go a long way
11. It does not kill you to say, “I’m Sorry”

12. Never pass up an opportunity to serve someone
13. Always kiss your husband goodnight
14. Kiss really do make boo-boos better
15. Fish are really good at jumping out of tanks
16. Kids survive the loss of a pet
17. Some of the best friends you will ever have is your sisters
18. Never drive on a flat tire
19. Always come to a complete stop at a stop sign
20. Blogging really can be addictive
21. True love is blind to weight gain
22. People really just want to be loved
23. Blood is thicker than water
24. A disability is not the end of the world
25. You have something is common with everyone you meet
26. It does not hurt to try new foods
27. I really do like who I am!

This morning the kids told me what they wanted to get me for my birthday. I told them that they needed to tell there father, but that I would help remind them to talk to him! They said they wanted to get me fabric and patterns! I laughed. Do these kids know me well, or what! I really don't mind getting fabric and patterns. Bring it on. I have no clue as to what Jake has planed, but it better include him making dinner and changing all poopy diapers. And *if* he really does buy me some patterns, I really, really, REALLY want these ones HERE . This women has made incredible patterns. I just love shopping around Etsy. There are amazing things there. It gets me inspired. I just pray that stupid bill does not pass that would eliminate all handmade items, because then wonderful sights like Etsy would have to go bye-bye. Please click the button on my blog to learn more about what you can do it get this stopped. Anyways, I will not stress about this today. Today is my day. I am going to have a very enjoyable day.

Happy Birhsay Sariah!
Happy Birthday to the most beautiful, funny, creative, talented, and fabulous Sister in Law (shhhhh... don't tell the others). I love you!
Happy Birthday! I tried to call earlier but you were gone or on the phone or just didn't answer the call. I'll try again later. I hope you have a fabulous day!
Adam did say it was your birthday and I didn't believe him.. So, Happy Birthday!! I loved the things you've learned!! That was so much fun!!
Wow. These are great lessons.
#17 is so sweet <3
#25 is very wise
I love you and happy birthday.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday sweet funny Sariah! Your blog always cracks me up. I love the part about Jake changing the poopy diapers. Also, I love lesson #9 (I am still trying to teach this one to Jason.) That was really fun to read, and a fun idea. Hope Jake picked up on your *subtle* hints about birthday presents... sometimes you just have to lay it out for the guys. Not as romantic, but it gets the job done, right?
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