Thursday, July 9, 2009

a toothless reality

There comes a time in every parents life when that have to face the facts that their children are growing up. Sometimes you can look past it, believe it is not there, but when it comes to this, no, it is a harsh reality you see every time you look into her beautiful smiling face. What am a babbling on about, you ask? Here, let me show you:

This is Phoebe after she has lost her first tooth! After her full faced excitement I tried to get her to smile in a way that we could understand what she is giddy about
There it is, the proof that my children are growing up! It is clear and clear can be! My baby girl, my daugther has lost her first tooth!

Look at her face! She is glowing! She immediately wanted to call her Bella and tell her the good new. I have to say, her telling us her tooth hurt after dinner, and now this. It wasn't what I was expecting. I remember dragging the process out for so long. The truth is wiggly teeth make my stomach squirm. I did convince her that her brave, strong, and loving father would take care of that tooth faster than you can say "My Cat Lightin' " and it was true. He did hid fatherly duties, Phoebe was doing a happy dance with her tooth and I was wiping away tears from my eyes. My little girl is growing up in if I like it or not. I can't keep a brick on her head to keep from growing and now I can't keep the teeth in either! It is a loosing battle. I guess the biggest lesson here, is for me. She is going to grow up and become some incredibly special women. I just hope I can teacher her all I can so that by the time comes for last tooth to fall out, she will be a strong and well adjusted girl.
I hope I can keep up with it. I only want the best for her. I want her to be happy with whatever she wants out of life.
I am going to go and check on my babies, and tuck them in, and kiss there heads. They grow so much in there sleep. Who knows what they will be when they wake.


Anonymous said...

Sariah, dear, she has the greatest example right there in front of her. Because of you, she will grow up to be incredible, because YOU are!! Love you, friend. Thanks for sharing.

meg said...

Horse poop, birthday cakes and the tooth fairy... kids make life so fun--especially yours! Your kids are so hilarious and it's so great that they have such a wonderful home where they can grow up so happily. You are such a special mom - I love reading about the world you make for your family! Lots of love~

Heidi Wilcox said...

First of all can I say I think it's funny that your sister and daughter have the same name....Am I missing something? Second, it's still super weird that you have 3 kids! We need to get together so I can see it for myself;)

Red Charlotte said...

Sariah, that last line about them changing in their sleep was so beautiful. Gosh, she has gorgeous teeth too! She's such a doll. She was SO EXCITED about that tooth falling out. I love you!

Emily said...

It is such a double edge sword to watch them grow. I'm glad someone else gets sad over the milestones. I cried at the beginning of the summer when Justin could pump on the swing instead of needing me to push him.

Warren said...

Amen. This morning, Diana crawled out of her crib and opened the door all by herself for the first time.