Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Wonderful Day!

A lot of things are going around the Internet right now, about writing about what you are thankful for. I don't think I could do it everyday, like most of the emails and facebook posts say to do, but I did want to write about how thankful I am for today.
Yes, today was a very special National Holiday, honoring our services members, but it was a family day for us.
Phoebe and Kimball have had half days all week due to Parent Teacher Conferences. Jake was able to have today off. All morning he and Warren were able to spend some special time together. They played games and goofed off together, they ate lunch together. Warren adores his dad. I am so thankful those two got that time together.
About a half hour before school let out Jake was able to go into Kimball's class and read the class his favorite book. "The Monster At The End Of This Book". Jake does the perfect Grover voice and the kids went nuts over it. They begged him to read it a second time, which he did. Kimball was in heaven. Jake will often read that book to the kids at home, but for Kimball, to have his dad read it to all of his friends, life couldn't get better. I am so thankful that Jake had the day off to be able to read that to Kimball's class.
When we all were home we had lots of fun. Phoebe and I sat together and did all of her My Little Pony's hair. The boys played GeoTrax. We even had a family Wii tournament. I kicked every one's but when it comes to duck hunt, Phoebe kicks butt at the matching faces in the crowd game, Kimball kicks some serious butt at Boxing, Warren.. well he just kicks butt at holding the Wii mote. To him he is a winner just holding the thing! ( I really don't need to mention that Jake kicks butt at all the other games. ) Then we all worked on some puzzle games in a book Phoebe has. We did word searches, tick-tack-toe, and so many other games. I am so thankful for being able to lay on the floor with my kids and play games.
We didn't have an official dinner. We snacked most of the day. We were all having too much fun to stop and do something grown up, like cook dinner. We did all sit together and enjoy hot chocolate and toast. It was a perfect bedtime snack for this day. I am so thankful for my Cocoa Motion!
Before we could put the kids to bed we realized we forgot to play or favorite family game, Killer Bunnies, so we let the kids stay up later then normal and played the game. It was so funny to see the kids get so excited to give Daddy's bunny the Ebola Virus, or to put Phoebe's through the meat grinder! (If you haven't played the game, don't worry, it is just a card.....) No one got mad for loosing or having a bunny die. We were all laughing so much. The kids love that Daddy doesn't always win this game. I am so thankful for my family!!
After the kids were in bed Jake and I got to spend a quite evening at home. We talked and watched TV. I did a little sewing and he played a computer game. I love that we love to do things together, but that we can do two separate things, but still enjoy each others company. He is so great. I am so thankful for my wonderful husband! He is the best!


Red Charlotte said...

Wow, sounds like an awesome day, the kind that makes great childhood memories too. So happy that you are happy! Love you sis.

terica said...

Awe, Sariah, this post just makes me smile. We just love you guys! The only thing that could make life better is if we got to see you guys a little more! Hope you guys are doing well, and by this post sounds like you are!

Unknown said...

I challenge you to a game of duck hunt!