Monday, March 22, 2010

Dear Andy and Terica,

Do you remember this? Do you remember about seven or eight years ago when Jake and I were moving out of our studio apartment and into the basement apartment? Do you remember how you hooked us up with all kinds of furniture? I do. I was sooooo thankful for all that you did for us. Well out of all of that furniture this is the last piece standing. Well I don't know if I could call it standing. The only reason it is standing is the two bookshelves on either side. It has made it through FIVE moves with use. One drawer is completely gone. The other is held together with duct tape. The doors don't work like should. But it has served us very well. Tonight this thing goes to the curb. I don't even know if it will hold its shape that far. It may just be a pile of dead wood. We'll see. I just wanted to thank you for this piece of furniture. It helped a lot. I hope it goes to a very special place in the after life. Love, Sariah

1 comment:

terica said...

Am I ever happy I clicked on your blog today! Boy oh boy do I ever remember that beauty. I am sure happy it got some great use. Between that and the couch that we had to literally saw in half, we had that basement stocked! May you find another beautiful soul to replace her! PS I AM WAY WAY EXCITED TO SEE YOU ALL IN FOUR SHORT MONTHS!!!!!!