Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Compute this!

Have you ever seen your computer die? I have. It isn't pretty. I was told that I lost everything! I haven't backed up my photos sense June! I bawled!! It was awful. I lost all my ABBA music! The world was going to end. But then one of our wonderful friends came over and did dome fancy stuff and was able to retrieve all my data off the dead computer and saved it to Jake's laptop. What a wonderful blessing! Today I will be backing up EVERYTHING! I will not have to learn this lesson again.


meg said...

That is a great picture. I love your creative shots. The snow one with the ruler was cool, too. Did you get my email about our blog? Also, way to go on those costumes, you domestic goddess you!

meg said...

Wait a second... is that a real photo? What is going on here? Well, anyway, it made me laugh. (But would be cooler live.)

Carey said...

I had this happen to a friend of mine lately. She works from home - like I do - so it was not only her personal data, but business as well. Hers was not retrievable. I promised myself I'd start backing my computer up so this doesn't happen to me. Would you believe I still haven't?! After reading your post, I feel like somebody up there is trying to tell me something! I'd better get on the ball!

breton said...

Yeah, that happened to me once. It was my laptop that gave up the ghost. Well, actually, only the hard drive. All my homework from my first semester of grad school ... poof! Gone. I didn't get any of it back. Good to know you have a blog.

I think Facebook is the closest I'll get to having one of those, at least until school is over.