Saturday, February 7, 2009


Here is a story for all of ya'll!

About half way through my day I noticed my cell phone was missing. This is nothing new, I often misplace it and find it a little bit later. We had quite a few errands to run and I quickly forgot about my phone.

We finish our day, and get the kids to bed. I am sitting planning my lesson for church tomorrow when Jake's phone ring. As he is getting it it reminds me that I need to find mine. I say out loud, "I really need to find my phone. "

Jake answers the call. It is my mom. Weird, why didn't she call me? Why didn't I hear my phone ring?

Jake says back to my mom, "No, we didn't know the boys have Sariah's phone."

I go running back to the boys room to find two little stinkers huddling under a blanket. When I pull it off, Warren stands up and with so much excitement, exclaims, "I talk to Bella!"

Oh, I laughed so hard. Teaches me to let my phone go missing.

My mom told me the missing half of the story. She called me about THIRTY minutes before then and Kimball answers. She thought nothing of this, because I often let them answer when they see her name. She talked to Kimball and then Warren and then Kimball and then Warren. She started getting a little suspicious when she asked to talk to Phoebe and he said that Phoebe wasn't there. Getting wise, she asked to talk to me and they said no! That is when she asked Warren if Mommy knew they had the phone and Warren told her no. So, she had to call Jake's phone to let us know!

What a hoot! I love my kids. They make me laugh.


Red Charlotte said...

I loved how they worked together on it!

Emily said...

One time Diana brought the phone to Warren, and Warren started talking to her--cute, embarrassing things, like, "Oh, I'm talking you you-o, like Psychically-e." And then he realized that my cousin was on the other line. Kids and phones.

meg said...

This is hilarious - thanks for the laugh! If they're being so sneaky at this age... oooh. You're really in for it in about 10 years.

Bethany said...

That is such a good story!

The Anderson's said...

That's too funny! At least they were only calling their "Bella"!

Can you email me your address? I want to invite you to a spa party my sister is doing at my house on the 28th.