Friday, March 6, 2009

Guess Who???

Guess who is back online? My wonderful husband and our friend worked for two evening and got my computer back up and working better than ever! Thanks Jake and Robert!!
I am so excited to be able to post photos! Here are some of my favorites!

We had a beautiful spring day last week and I let the children run free. I was enjoying the break and was thinking to myself, this is so nice, the kids are out playing, I am getting much needed house work done and in a minute I can call them in and we can have dinner. Right! Warren came knocking on the back door and I found him like this!
He is such a little stinker! He just came up to me like nothing was wrong! At first I found myself getting mad. I stopped myself and started to laugh. What a fun moment this would turn out to be! I remember doing this as a child and my mom laughing at how cute I was, I was going to do the same thing and have my children have a fun memory. I called for the other two to come to the door and get a picture. They were more than happy to oblige.

I followed them out to the yard to see the "Chocolate factory" They had found our sled with melted snow. Kids don't need much to entertain themselves! I was just happy that they had spend close to an hour playing so well with each other and not a single fight!

The stressful part came when I realized that I had physical therapy and there were in this condition. Jake usually comes home by this time but with his new job, he is staying late. I had the kids quickly strip down buck naked on our porch, (Phoebe was mortified, Kimball thought it was funny and Warren tired running around the yard naked!) and jump in the tub. My dear, wonderful friend ended doing the bathing because I had to go. I owe her big time! When I go home there were sparkling clean and Phoebe even had her hair french braided! That you Christy! I am even happy to report I was able to get all the mud out of all the clothes! Thanks mom for teaching me great tricks!
Over all I am very glad that we had the memory, even with the stress. I still look at the photos and laugh. Kids are the greatest!


Red Charlotte said...

I'm so happy you're back! I love your blog and I love getting to see your daily life. All of these pictures are adorable. I appreciate how honest you are too, like how at first you wanted to get mad, but then you just rolled with it. Nice!

The Anderson's said...

Oh my Sariah you are so good! I will have to remember to laugh and not get mad!!