Friday, April 10, 2009

Oh my!

Last night I had the most embarrassing side effect of surgery I have ever had! I just don’t know how to put into words. I blush as I think about it. Children, cover your ears. Last night, I had flatulence. I had flatulence of the knee! Oh, I feel so much better now that I got that off my chest.
As I was getting into bed, last night, had to carefully and slowly prop my knee up on pillows. In the process my knee let out a little “poot”. I stopped and immediately looked around, in case anyone had heard that. I would want to say “excuse me”. Then, I stopped and realized that came from my knee! Did anyone else hear that?! Just to make sure, I did the same movement again and got the same result. Being the 13 year old that I am deep inside, I did it again and I giggled. It was funny. It might have something to do with the pain killer that I was on, but I did it again, and giggled even louder.
This is a new one to write in the books. I don’t think many people can claim the privilege of flatulence of the knee. No, I guess that is only reserved for special people.


The Kelly Family said...

Thats so funny! I'm glad you made it out ok...did they find anything?

Bethany said...

That would make me laugh too! I am laughing right now!! What made your knee "toot"? (that's what we call it around here)