How many of you read the Nie Nie Dialogues? If you don't, you should! In fact, stop reading this and go here:
Are you back? Isn't she one of the most amazing people on the planet. She makes me want to be a better person. Really, she does. When I am having a bad mom day, I think about some of the blogs she has written. It really helps. Lucky for me she lives in Provo, so when she talks about places in her town I know where it is. She started talking about this great cupcake shop. My sister and I both wanted to try it out. Let me tell you The Sweet tooth bakery is the best! WOW! I have never had such great tasting cupcakes. If you go into Provo, go and visit this place!
I'm craving more now!!!
Sariah, you are evil for introducing us to this place!! We went twice last week. Talk about YUMMY!!!
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